Church Reopening Plan (Phase 1)
Phase 1: Effective May 18, 2020
Governor Baker has issued an order that allows businesses, non-profits, and religious organizations to reopen after May 18, 2020. As such, we plan to begin holding in-person services on May 24th. However, the County’s recent order also included a number of health guidelines that we need to follow in order to meet safely. The following information explains our regathering procedures.
At this time, the only physical service we will have is the Sunday Morning service, which will meet at its normal time (9AM English & 11AM Portuguese).
We will continue to have our Wednesday and Thursday Bible studies as well as Ignite Youth on Facebook and YouTube.
Sunday Morning Service Guidelines:
While we hope as many people as possible will attend our Sunday morning services, anyone who has a high-risk health condition, is ill, or has other health concerns should feel free to stay home at this time.
Our service will continue to be streamed on Facebook/YouTube for those who cannot attend in person.
We will not be staffing the nursery.
We will not be having Kidz Rock
We will not have fellowship time or greeting time
The lower level of our church will be off limits.
We will employ social distancing practices before, during, and after the service. Please maintain 6ft of separation between you and other persons in the church whenever possible. Please refrain from shaking hands or bunching up in groups.
Face masks are required for those in attendance per order of Governor Baker. (Medical Exceptions will be made)
We will be closing half of the pews in order to help everyone spread out in the auditorium. Whenever possible, we ask that everyone sit 6ft apart. Family members who live in the same household may sit together.
In order to reduce contact with one another, we will seat everyone from front to back in the auditorium. At the end of the service, we will dismiss everyone by row, starting at the back. You will exit out the side doors in the back. Upon dismissal, we ask that everyone would make their way to their cars as soon as possible.
We will not be collecting an offering during the service.
We will have offering basket available in the foyer when you enter and exit. Our P.O. box as well as Online Giving will remain another way to give.
In light of these special circumstances, our morning service will be shorted to approximately 45–50 minutes (much like our Facebook services have been).
We will clean the sanctuary, restrooms, and foyer area after each service.
Thank you for being flexible during these times. We Love you!