Our weekly ministries do not happen because of one person. It takes an entire team of people! If you are interested in serving in one of these categories, please click below.
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” -1 Peter 4:10
Here is a list of our volunteer opportunities:
Media Team- The Media Team Works Behind the Scenes to Make it Possible to Share the Message of The Church Through Sound, Video, Lights, Slides and Photography!
Worship Team– Volunteer to sing or play an instrument with our worship team Sunday mornings.
Kidz Rock Team– Help teach Kidz Rock students by volunteering to lead a kids class once a month. We love our students and you can too.
Food Pantry Team– “What ever you do to the least of thee, you’ve done for me!” We could use your help with shopping and bag making, as well as, handing bags out and praying with people!
First Impressions- This includes greeters, ushers and security. Greeters welcome everyone into the church & are responsible for connecting with any first time visitors! Ushers make sure people find their seats and know where to go. Security is responsible for the overall safety of every person in the church. Sometimes these positions overlap.
Parking Team– As we transition to our new location, we need people to help guide everyone into parking spots.
Cleaning Crew– People to help take care and maintain the building that God has given us! The more hands we have the easier it is.