What to Expect – FAQs
You can expect to find a welcoming, inclusive group of people who are glad that you have come to worship with us. We worship in a beautiful sanctuary which comes alive each Sunday morning with the voices of men, women and children lifting praise to our Lord.
Would I be welcome at your church?
Yes you would be welcome. All persons are welcome at Christ The Rock Church. We have persons of different races, educational levels, cultural backgrounds, languages, disabilities and backgrounds as part of our church family. We have people who are in school, employed, stay at home moms and dads, looking for work and retired. We are a mixed bag of men, women, teens and children seeking to grow spiritually and to love God and neighbor.
Are teens and children welcome?
Yes teens and children are an integral part of our community. Teens worship with adults each Sunday. Children have a special time after worship in an exciting age appropriate faith experiences. Our teens help with lights, sound, media and even worship.
Do I have to know what I believe before I attend?
No, we have people in our church family who know what they believe as well as those who are still trying to figure this God and Jesus thing out. We are an inclusive community on a journey to figure out what it is that God desires of us. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome.
Do you know what you believe?
Yes we understand ourselves to be followers of Jesus Christ who have committed ourselves to serving him by cultivating mission, preaching the word of God and being a church with a heart for the community. We as an Assembly of God Church believe in 16 fundamental truths. To read more click here.
What kind of worship services do you have?
We have two Sunday services, our 9:00am is our English service and the 11:00am is our Portuguese service. Both begin with a time of praise and worship followed by a time in the Word of God. We also have Wednesday evening for our Portuguese Bible study and Thursday evenings which is our English Bible Study and Youth group. Check our calendar to see what else is going on during the week.
Is there child care?
We have child care in our nursery for our 9:00 (English) Sunday morning services.
We aim to start our services on the advertised time, but you might like to arrive a bit earlier to find a parking spot . Our friendly GREETERS will get you a bulletin and introduce themselves to you and show you were to go.
How often do you serve communion (the Lord’s Supper)
We serve communion the first Sunday of the month at both services. All are invited to participate.
Just for coming we would love to give you a free gift. Simply fill out a connection card and we will give you a Free gift bag!